Friday, November 27, 2009

Soni To Apply For Free Agency

Maryland native Mark P. Soni will apply for free agency at the end of his contract with Hakik Girls High School, which ends in 2010.

The 25-year old kid has been in the Incheon Native Teachers' Program for three years after making a big move to his mother's native Korea in 2007. The free agency looms for Soni as he will most likely opt out of his current contact after it expires in 2010.

"Its time to test the free agent waters and see where I'm going next," said Soni, during an interview at a local PC Cafe where he was not giving away turkeys to local people, because the birds do not exist in this country.

"Its pretty daunting because I was pretty secure in this job and I felt I could do the best at the highest level, but I know its time to move on...but to where to next? Who knows."

For Thanksgiving, Soni will spend time with local expat teachers in Incheon in fellowship.

On Sunday, the mercurial player from Maryland will have a speaking engagement at a local church, emphasizing highlights from his career here in Korea and how God changed his life.

"My testimony is important to me, and since Christ changed my life, its time for me to share with the community how God saves souls from sin," said Soni, nothing that this will be his first speaking engagement in the Korean language. "Its pretty scary, doing it in Korean, but I know that He was willing to help out young Moses when he faced the Egyptians, so I know that I walk in confidence in Him."

As we head into the winter season, Mark Soni will be testing the Free Agent waters soon. Who will we sign with next? Time will tell for the young man hailing from the state of Maryland.

Marcio Silva
Reporting from Incheon, ROK

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