Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life at a Femalions' School


Its overrated. Yet it is uniquely different and brings its own advantages to the table. The ladies indeed have their challenges to address when you teach them, especially as a male.

For example, in the beginning, they were happy to have a young, foreign guy come into the mix and fold, which was very exciting to them. Curious stares, random giggly Q & A's in the hallway, to the straight out "I love you's" and "Teacher you handsome!" comments. Its all exciting for me. What got me was random notes of "I love you" on the school playground where I shoot ball or on my chalkboard in my English Zone classroom.

Teaching them as well is a much more easier task. At Yeonsu High, the real challenge wasn't necessarily delivering the material, it was more just fighting them to get the job done! Here, the Korean girl student is at least a little more docile and obedient, so they play ball whatever style you want them to play it.

Yet at times, as a male teacher, you are more isolated from the student body. You can never get close with these adolescent girls, there is always is a drawing bottom line to which how much you can get close and get to know them. Its something God has put in my heart not to touch, but at the same it has given me wisdom on how to approach our teacher-student relationship in another way.

For example, with Hakik Girls' High Class 1-3, I use a dialog journal with them to write to me in a free way. I give them a topic to write about, give them a notebook to write it in, and away they go. The class brings me the notebook every Friday, I review it for errors, and send it back with a few comments and a new topic to talk about. Its a cool way to get to know my students better without really getting too close to them.

In the end, I believe the job that God has placed within me is noble and honoring. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be working at an all-girls' high school. Its a humbling in a way, that God has allowed me to work with young femalions at such a tender age, and its real cool to somehow be a masculine role-model in their life, and one saved by Christ, in that matter. I hope and pray that they can see the Christ in me and see that I am a changed man, not a typical man.

Other than that, life is good as I prepare for a weekend trip to Taiwan. What new adventures will Soni experience in a land where they speak three/four languages? We shall see as Mr. Soni goes to the land of former Prez Chiang Kai-shek.

Also, Sports Day is next week. Will Soni score 2 goals like he did last year at Yeonsu? No. Because there is no soccer at a Femalions' academy.

Perhaps I can embarrass myself in some other way next week...

Until then, "zaijan."

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