Saturday, January 17, 2009

Return to America

Hey ya'll. I officially finished the year at my school and I will be returning to America for a few weeks. I can't wait.

I return the 20th of January, the same day Barack Obama will become the 44th president of the United States of America, right in the nation's capital, which is not too far from my home.

Our country is getting rocked by the economic crisis, a loss confidence in the health care system, a war in Afghanistan (while Iraq is improving), no money in the government coffers, and a total loss of direction for our people.

I hope this will be a time not of depression, even though economically it seems to be heading that way. But where our people can get out of this depression in the spirit, to seek the Lord. Only the Lord can bring security in times of need.

Mr. Obama, I respect him alot, even though on some major issues I disagree with him. He is bi-racial like me and a very intelligent man, and I will continue to pray for him that he makes the right choice. God allowed him to be in power, so I hope Mr. O in part will revere God and seek His wisdom in choices, just like King Solomon did.

He's got alot on his hands, and he's going to be under alot of pressure to deliver.

Yet I think, after his inauguration is over and his administration kicks off, the onus will be more on us, the Americans. Our families are breaking down, savings are down, we spend more on entertainment than time with our families. We spend time eating more than we exercise and playing outside.

Pleasure is the name of the game, rather than the search for Truth. Kids lack direction from their fathers and mothers, and instead get it from their peers. Authority is breaking down on every level, and we need to get back to the basics of respect and observing who is higher than us.

So, its going to be a great and intersting time in our history. I don't expect anything new, because like it says in the book of Ecclesiastes, "there is nothing new under the sun." Obama is not going to change people's lives. He can change the political environment and help spur the economy with his policies. However, what people need is change...not from the top, but within.

Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). That's it. That's what America needs. Hope for Change...within.

I can't wait to go home!

1 comment:

VforVashaw said...

Nice post, Mark.

Always feels good to be home again!

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2010: The Year of the Soni Tiger